Interim management
Interim management is the temporary assumption of management activities - with full responsibility. Interim managers are often deployed in the context of restructuring projects in which companies’ strategic, earnings or liquidity crises are to be overcome and imminent dangers averted.
However, only holistic restructurings are truly sustainable: All existing processes and structures should be reviewed and examined for weak spots and bottlenecks in order to be able to tap previously unused potential. To effectively improve Processes in the company, transparency with regard to time, Costs and Quality is necessary. Both analysis and evaluation as well as optimisation require in-depth methodological know-how.
REFA International AG is not only at your side directly as an experienced consultant, but also as a partner of other consultants specialised in production companies. We support them, for example, in planned restructuring projects or in the introduction of an interim management. In these cases, we provide important input under the name of the lead mandate holder.
Our speciality: process optimisation
Theoretically well-founded and acquired over many years in practice: Our expertise lies in the area of Process optimisation in production companies. What we offer you in particular is:
- operational advice and implementation;
- Organisation of processes and structures with certified REFA methods;
- Increasing efficiency in production;
- Establishment of a time management system;
- Turn around, restructuring, recovery;
- Securing results by optimising production;
- Securing liquidity by reducing stocks in the production flow;
- Management support and interim management in the production sector.
Are you interested? Talk to us!