Unternehmensberatung & Consulting International



The new version of the industrial engineering training is a great success

Shortened program meets approval

On the 27th of April 2022, the first 13 participants completed the recently relaunched REFA-IE- program in Darmstadt and received their certificates, awarding them the title of “REFA-Industrial-Engineer”.

- on site or digitally
REFA International: Cross-national consultancy and further training

The world continuous to grow closer. Small and medium-sized companies have long since joined the global players on the world market. Entrepreneurs have a variety of distinct reasons for being interested in international markets. The opportunity to generate additional profit by developing new markets or by participating in strategic cooperations, to secure foreign procurement sources or simply the need to secure the company’s survival is enticing. The increasing internationalisation of companies amplify the cross-border economic and personnel integrations.

REFA-Training at SELK/TDK in Croatia

Quality prevails. For the fourth time REFA International AG was called upon by SELK d.d. – a branch of the TDK Group - to conduct an in-house REFA-Training.

Webinar for Chinese entrepreneurs offers ground-breaking knowledge

Maintenance management is currently faced with exceptional challenges. On the one hand production facilities are becoming ever more complex due to their increased networking and, on the other hand the efficiency of value creation is meant to increase steadily. REFA International AG, together with Eckert Schools International, presented modern methods and tools of an economic and effective maintenance management in a 3-day webinar at the beginning of April 2021 to Chinese entrepreneurs for the first time. The content of the training was met with great interest and received a great deal of positive feedback.

REFA-Training for productivity enhancement in Romania and Hungary

In autumn 2019 REFA International AG conducted a comprehensive in-house training at Flex Automotive in Romania (Timisoara) and Hungary (Zalagerzseg). The 26 participants came not only from the respective local sites but from other facilities of the globally active automotive supplier. Employees from the entire EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa) attended the training. The first part of the training took place in Timisoara in October 2019. There, the methodical expertise was imparted and purposefully trained with practical exercises in the production.


Your contact

Bettina DirksBettina Dirks
Coordination Consulting
phone +49(0)89 42 01 74 71
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Contact Office Switzerland
EN - FR - IT - ES
phone +41(0)44 500 2328
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