Unternehmensberatung & Consulting International


Activity sampling


Method for determining the frequency of events of interest, with previously defined sequence types being recorded in the form of a tally sheet. Can be used rationally, e.g. on up to 50 work systems simultaneously. The number of necessary notations is calculated depending on the desired statistical certainty. The application can be carried out by several persons and can also be interrupted temporarily without affecting the results. From the percentages of flow types, their time requirements can also be calculated with reference to the observation period. The multi-moment time measurement method (MMZ) is successfully used for long-lasting (e.g. several shifts) uniform processes.

Your contact

Bettina DirksBettina Dirks
Coordination Consulting
phone +49(0)89 42 01 74 71
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phone +41(0)44 500 2328
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